"Researcher simulates symptoms of schizophrenia...

16 år 9 månader sedan #84113 av stefan
Förstod det som att ett överbelastat eller begränsat arbetsminne kan förorsaka vissa symptom också hos de som inte lider av schizofreni.

"Researcher Simulates Symptoms of Schizophrenia In People Without The Disorder..."

16 år 9 månader sedan #84115 av Geta
Varför börjar man tjata om att schizofrena har anlag för vänsterhänthet.
Statistiken här på Viska verkar motsäga det om inte.
Förr talade man om att personer började stamma som hade anlag för vänsterhänthet och tvingades använda höger hand .
Antagligen tvingas inte vänsterhänta på samma sätt idag byta hand.
Om stamningen har minskat på grund av det framgår inte.
Skulle schizofreni uppkomma av samma orsak: till exempel desorganiserat tal
16 år 9 månader sedan #84116 av stefan
Följde inte tråden om vänsterhänthet och schizofreni. Tror inte att dessa forskare hävdar något om symptom kopplat till ett påtvingat användande av den icke dominanta hjärnhalvan.

Intressant dock tyckte jag att en fullt frisk person under vissa kontrolerade omständigheter uppvisar samma symptom som en schizofren. Detta i ljuset av den pågående debatten om schizofrenins ev. biologiska orsaker.
16 år 9 månader sedan #84118 av stefan
Pga problem med länken citerar jag följande:

"University of Missouri-Columbia researchers haven attempted to simulate a symptom of schizophrenia in people who don't have the illness, in hopes of better understanding the disorder and its impact. They simulated - the inability to speak clearly or respond to questions in a precise manner - which is considered a common cognitive deficit in those with schizophrenia.

"This study is about working with people who are not schizophrenic and observing whether, under experimental conditions, we could make them act like people with schizophrenia," said John Kerns, assistant professor of clinical psychology in the College of Arts and Science. "In the lab, we challenged their working memory ability as they spoke and simulated deficits found within people with schizophrenia."

He found that by putting rigorous demands on the working memory – which is the temporary storing of information that we hold readily available to use, like memorizing someone’s phone number when we don’t have a piece of paper and need to call them right back – communication disturbances, or poor communication skills occurred.

The study also revealed that an even greater degree of speech disorganization happens when other mental processing requirements are combined with working memory stress.

There were 82 healthy participants in the study. While conducting speech tasks, Kerns manipulated the levels of stress on their brains. Participants were asked to talk while listening to letters through a set of headphones. In another phase of the study, they looked at a picture on two separate occasions and were asked to tell two completely different stories about the picture. The sessions were recorded and Kerns' research team evaluated the data and scored the speech impairments.

"Potentially, performing any secondary task, while speaking, will throw off your speech because of a general increase in cognitive demands," Kerns said. "We wanted to compare conditions and see if doing any task disrupts speech, or is it specifically working memory demands. We found that it was only the working memory demands that caused an increase in disorganized speech."

Findings from this study are consistent with a recent experiment related to the illness. In May, Kerns established a link between poor communication skills and working memory in people with schizophrenia. However, no causation was established because the study was correlational (meaning there is a relationship between these factors, but no cause and effect was found, because of the structure of the study) and working memory ability or level of symptoms could not be experimentally manipulated.

"It's two ways of reaching the same conclusion," he said. "In the study with patients, we find that working memory correlates with disorganized speech. With healthy people, working memory manipulation causes an increase in disorganized speech."

The current study "Experimental Manipulation of Cognitive Control Processes Causes an Increase in Communication Disturbances in Healthy Volunteers"
Artikeln kan inte visas
16 år 9 månader sedan #84124 av stefan
Kan till viss del hålla med Niklas, som när man hittar ett orsakssammanhang mellan förekomsten av klackade skor, hypotetisk ökning av dopaminnivån och schizofreni.

Exsistensen av frekvent förekommande lösa associationer som ovan och generaliseringar grundade på statistik som inte säger något om individen men ändå feltolkas och utgör grunden i vissa individers "förståelse" möjliggjörs förmodligen pga dålig kunskap. Sorgligt men sant...
16 år 9 månader sedan #84129 av Geta
Det ska gå att simulera/fejka schizofreni.
Hur många har inte sett att "schizofrena" personer kan uppträda helt olika på grund av vilket sammanhang grupp de är i.
I någon Lars Norén pjäs har schizofrena skådespelarroller funnits med, annars är det inte så vanligt att normala personer fejkar schizofreni.
Hur upplevs en schizofren person?
Är det att inte få någon känslomässig kontakt?