Zen buddhistisk spiritualism/filosofi text

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16 år 2 månader sedan #111070 av aivo
Här kommer ett stycke zen buddhistisk filosofi, som säkert kan ge lite indikationer på mindfullness och acceptans. enjoy ;)

'One with Everything' s. 122 från "Not always so" av Shunryu Suzuki

"Most of us understand things in terms of differences such as big or small, black or white, material or spiritual. When we say spiritual, we
mean something that is not material, but according to Buddhism, what is spiritual still belongs to the phenomenal side of reality. The
other side, what we might call the ontological or noumenal side, is what you cannot see. Before "spiritual" or "material", the other side
is already there. It is not something that can be understood by your small mind in terms of big or small, black or white, man or woman.
To understand only in this way is to put a limitation on our actual being.
As long as you are trying to understand reality or you yourself in phenomenal terms it is not possible. When you understand that there is
something more than spiritual or material, more than right or wrong, that is reality. That is actually each one of us. To know this is to
have renunciation, to be free from ideas of right or wrong, life or death, spiritual or material.
Though you try very hard to be spiritual, still you are existing only on one side, ignoring the other side of yourself. That is why you suffer.
If you really want to attain enlightenment and realize the real you, you have to go beyong ideas of good or bad, life or death. How we
do this is through zazen. If something comes, let it come. Don't think about it in terms of good or bad. Let it come and let it go. That
is actually zazen - to go beyond various ideas and just be yourself."

lite senare samma kapitel...

"Superficially you may say you are feeling lonely, but if you are very sincere and really give up your small mind, then there is no fear and no
emotional problem. Your mind is always calm, your eyes are always open, and you can hear the birds as they sing. You can see the flowers
as they open. There is nothing for you to worry about. And if you worry, you will see it as a interesting novel. To read it is very interesting,
but it is not something to fear or worry about. We can enjoy our life fully when we understand things in that way."

Ja uppmanar dig inte till att meditera! :) Läs adverse effects på:
16 år 2 månader sedan #111090 av galärslav
Svar från galärslav i ämnet zen buddistisk
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16 år 2 månader sedan #111104 av aivo
kul o höra :)

den här tycker jag är bra också

[i:9mfx6sih]'Not Sticking to Enlightenment' s. 131[/i:9mfx6sih]
"When you practice zazen, moment after moment, you accept what you have now, in this moment, and you are satisfied with everything you do.
Because you just accept it, you don't have any complains. That is zazen. Even if you cannot do that, you know what to do. Then sitting zazen
will encourage you to do other things as well. Just as you accept your painful legs while sitting, you accept your everyday life, which may be
more difficult then zazen practice."
16 år 2 månader sedan #111133 av Khai Chau
Tack så mycket!

mycket intressant...
16 år 2 månader sedan #111135 av Khai Chau
vi ska alltså inte säga att vi vet allt!?

alltså: anti-vetenskapen??? :rolleyes:

vetenskapen biter alltså sig själv i svansen?
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16 år 2 månader sedan #111148 av aivo
anti-vetenskapen låter som zen ;) men man måste särskilja på 2 tolkningar av existensen. Det konventionella och det ultimata som båda existerar samtidigt.

man brukar säga typ "the art of no art" eller "the process of non-thinking", eller den berömda koanen: "Vad är ljudet av en hand som klappar?" Sluta tänka, börja leva i stort sätt. När man inte dömer saker accepterar man dem som de är. ;) inget dåligt som inte för något bra med sig och tvärtom.

enligt zen är alla perfekta som de är, ingen är rätt eller fel, man behöver bara inse det....