Jesus Kristus om "galenskap"

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4 år 6 månader sedan - 4 år 6 månader sedan #1192435 av PsychoWard
Jesus Kristus om "galenskap" skapades av PsychoWard
kom inte på någon bättre titel, men satte inom citatstecken eftersom det faktiskt ofta lär handla om att människor tycker och projjicerar sina dumma tankar på en. sen är det ju en annan sak att mänskligheten som helhet nog är ganska galen faktiskt.

iaf jag har sparat lite vad jag funnit att Jesus Kristus är citerad att ha sagt genom samtida profeter i frågan, dessa är på Engelska men den som är intresserad så finns det en hel del Svenska meddelanden på de arkiverade sidorna av även verkar bra inte minst eftersom profetissan lär ha en Svensk man och översättningarna är (mig veterligen) i toppklass.

hellre normal i himmelen, som jag brukar säga!

You have seen the only crown I wanted. The crown that only a madman or a convict can wear. No one, who is sound of mind (speaking from a human point of view) and is free to do what he likes, will put it on. But I was considered mad and mad I was from a supernatural divine point of view, as I wanted to die for you who do not love Me or love Me so little, as I wanted to die to defeat Evil in you, knowing that you love it more than you love God, and I was a prey to man, his prisoner, condemned by him. I, God, condemned by man.
(från boken Poem of the Man God)

[GGJ 4.255.9] The world-wise call this pure spiritual feeling of present realization of facts from either a long time ago or of facts still to occur in future as the 'phantasy' of people. Only, it is not so, since phantasy can only be called those things, which the soul assembles as something new from the stock of her pictures and thereby produces a form or work which cannot be found anywhere in the free nature-world. From this pure soul-like ability, all tools, buildings and clothes of people and fables and all kind of poetry arose, whose background is either very seldom a full truth, but mostly a sheer lie and is actually nothing.

"My child, you will be sent to the tribunals. However, you will not submit to the judgment of mankind upon your mental stability, for it is the will of satan that they will follow.

“Let them call you fanatics. Let them try to break you down. There’s only one thing to say to them: I have my eyes on Heaven. Where do you cast yours” (Jesus, April 14, 1984).

smwa. org/Message/Text/1980_1989/84_14_04.htm

So they want ‘a god of compassion’; so they want ‘a pushover god’; so they want ‘higher energy – for themselves, to manipulate for their own gain’. Well My children there is a price, for playing with ‘too much energy’, and there is a price for making excuses as to why, I, am not God, in their eyes. People with this kind of mentality are truly ‘the crazy ones’.

It is those who honor and obey the Ten Commandments written, on their hearts, who are ‘sane’, in My eyes. For what I see as wise others view, as foolish. And what I see as foolish, others view, as wise and acceptable.

If Saint Peter and Saint Paul, were walking the face of the Earth; or if Moses, and Elijah, were walking the face of the Earth at this time, they would simply be telling people exactly what I have been telling them. And, the people would judge them, as insane, and as needing to be locked away. It is not wise for the people to judge My words - for in doing so they judge Me. And now the judgment they have passed, they have received, and will continue to receive tenfold. Because now, during this, My Second Coming - I am The Great and Terrible Judge. Mankind has their time to judge; it’s OVER now! Understand My children? I said every man, woman, and child would be repaid, and I meant it.

Let the naysayers, read, and weep, about what they are missing out on – and about what so many of them, have lost. To discern My Word, and My Voice, IS one thing; but to know, WHO is Speaking, and then, to reject Me fully – outright – and ‘pretend’, to still be following Me, is ABSOLUTE SPIRITUAL INSANITY!

You believe this Prophet is crazy. Yes! He is crazy! He is crazy for his God, for his Christ, Jesus, for the Holy Spirit. He is crazy for all that is Good, for all that is Mine. For this Prophet is My Lips, My Eyes, and My Ears. When you receive this Prophecy in your hands, I want you to remember, I am protecting him with all the Force of Heaven. If you raise your hand, I am going to send you to the pit with the force of the devil.

The world could not understand them -- these holy lunatics whose lunacy was loving God with all the perfection possible to a creature; making themselves voluntarily barren, since their only nuptials were those with Me, the Divine. They made themselves eunuchs: for a spiritual love, they amputated human sensuality in themselves and lived as chastely as angels. The world could not understand these sublimely mad [souls]. Though aware of the sweetness of the bridal bed and of offspring, they knew how to renounce both and to fly to their torments, after they willingly tore their heart out in leaving their children and husbands for love of Me, their Love.

Children are aborting children, and their parents are helping them. What is evil is made to look right, and what is righteous to look stupid, and to be laughed at.

People believe you are crazy Reymundo. They believe you make this thing up with your own mind, your own intellect. They will be sadly mistaken when the end comes. Through all the years, through all the centuries, I have warned people and warned people, but there is a lot of pride and a lot of stubbornness. People want to do their own thing. You tell people, Reymundo, the truth. They laugh at you. They call you names. They send you nasty letters. Let them say what they want!

"This is My Heart, Clare, and this is why you are praying. Each night, I put on your heart the very thing before Me that needs the most prayer. Prayers for the wicked pharmaceutical companies, prayers for the end to pollution and the aluminum in the environment, and climate control. These were for tonight. All of these things are wicked, wicked things--yet not all can be resolved before I come to establish justice on the Earth."

Tesla ska visst befinna sig i helvetet btw-

Johannes 15:18-27 Svenska 1917 (SV1917)

^18 Om världen hatar eder, så betänken att hon har hatat mig förr än eder.

^19 Voren I av världen, så älskade ju världen vad henne tillhörde; men eftersom I icke ären av världen, utan av mig haven blivit utvalda och tagna ut ur världen, därför hatar världen eder.

^20 Kommen ihåg det ord som jag sade till eder: 'Tjänaren är icke förmer än sin herre.' Hava de förföljt mig, så skola de ock förfölja eder; hava de hållit mitt ord, så skola de ock hålla edert.

^21 Men allt detta skola de göra mot eder för mitt namns skull, eftersom de icke känna honom som har sänt mig.

^22 Hade jag icke kommit och talat till dem, så skulle de icke hava haft synd; men nu hava de ingen ursäkt för sin synd.

^23 Den som hatar mig, han hatar ock min Fader.

^24 Hade jag icke bland dem gjort sådana gärningar, som ingen annan har gjort, så skulle de icke hava haft synd; men nu hava de sett dem, och hava likväl hatat både mig och min Fader.

^25 Men det ordet skulle ju fullbordas, som är skrivet i deras lag: 'De hava hatat mig utan sak.'

^26 Dock, när Hjälparen kommer, som jag skall sända eder ifrån Fadern, sanningens Ande, som utgår ifrån Fadern, då skall han vittna om mig.

^27 Också I kunnen vittna, eftersom I haven varit med mig från begynnelsen.»
Last edit: 4 år 6 månader sedan by PsychoWard.