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4 år 5 månader sedan #1206089 av Fantasio
Svar från Fantasio i ämnet Stigmata
Jag tror dig, Memphis. Vetenskapen (kanske läkarvetenskapen i detta fall) kan inte förklara alla saker. Då brännmärks det som fantasier, osant och galenskap, tyvärr.
4 år 5 månader sedan #1206107 av Zoidar
Svar från Zoidar i ämnet Stigmata

memphis skrev: Jag har upplevt riktig stigmata en period då jag hade det mycket svårt,. Jag fick blåmärken på händerna, som där spikarna hade suttit. Förstår om ingen tror mig, men det är sant.

Att du fick blåmärken i händerna och att det var kopplat till den svåra period du var i i ditt liv, det tror jag på. Det där med stigmata är ju stort inom katolska kyrkan, inte för att jag misstror fenomenet, men är ganska tveksam på att det har med korsfästelsen att göra.

Anchored in Christ ✟

  • PsychoWard
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4 år 5 månader sedan - 4 år 5 månader sedan #1206108 av PsychoWard
Svar från PsychoWard i ämnet Stigmata
jag tvekar inte direkt på att stigmata är verkligt. men dock är det nog bra att förstå att det lär användas av falska profeter för att förleda människor. de ska ju bli givna mirakel och under i Satans makt för att förleka många, även de utvalda - om så vore möjligt - enligt den heliga skriften.

Galaterbrevet 6:17 Svenska 1917 (SV1917)

^17 Må nu ingen härefter vålla mig oro; ty jag bär Jesu märken på min kropp .

Jesus said: The spiritual realities are built on the physical realities; but 'the stigmata, of these false visionaries', are brought on by the spiritual realities, but not of Heaven – not by my Holy Angels. Because 'the false stigmata wounds', serve, to deify the visionary – falsely. Suffering is not to become ‘a spectacle for people to look at, and to gawk at’. It is not to be entertainment. Suffering, is meant to be done in silence, and in private. These "visionaries", if they were, “True Visionaries”, would always have their hands and their feet, and even their heads, bandaged. [(- does ANYONE remember Saint Pio?)] It would NOT be a show. I KNOW their interior lives!: “Look at my hands and my feet. I must be very holy and favored, by God!” [(- the false visionaries say in their interior lives as they put on their display of false stigmata)]. But most, of, the stigmatists, are, “false, prophets”. And the Truth is: even the illuminati-run One World Government, church - called the Roman Catholic Church – that hierarchical structure, KNOWS the difference! And HOW many false prophets, DID THEY ALLOW to prophesy, and spread error – throughout the centuries? I TELL you! Millions! And what was the result? The unity, of church and state: Vatican II – preparing the way, and paving the way, for the greatest Antipope of all time – “greatest”, as in infamous, notorious: "Antipope Francis".
Jesus said: Now, what of the baby, in the Philippines, with “the stigmata wounds”, that seem to be appearing – to be manifesting? It is a sign, of A GREAT SCOURGE COMING, to the Face of the Earth. It is a sign that everyone can see. Remember, what I said, about people, who wanted “signs”, “No sign will be given, except the sign of Jonah” (Matthew 16:4). And now in this time, the sign of Jonah was given, through the mark of the beast – upon, all of the inhabitants, of the Earth. And so it is ‘a wicked generation’, that seeks for a sign. (pause). They want a sign, so they don’t have to believe! Because I say, “It is better to believe, without seeing” (John 20:29). So the baby, with ‘no soul’ – yes I did say that! – “with no soul” – appears to have, My Wounds [“appears” – because the wounds are photoshopped, as the story was only fabricated, and was presented on a fake news website]. So what could this sign, possibly mean? I will tell you both in secret, what it means. For the people, are ‘not deserving’, of a Sign – except, the Sign, of My Wrath. They can have The Sign of My Justice. For ‘the merciful’, Mercy will be shown. But the people are unmerciful – so no Mercy will be given… (private explanation of the Sign - a Sign so shocking, that every newspaper on the planet, will be forced to write about it - and that is not to quote Jesus in any way; rather, that is to let the reader know, that you won't need to read the Testimony, this website, to hear about it.)… So let people “marvel”, over the blackened soulless child. [Note: let the people, have their newspapers, since they hate the Truth. God can work with that!]

Message from Jesus Christ - Tuesday, November 26, 1985 - Eve of the third anniversary of the phenomenon

My daughter,
Do you wish to be crucified or glorified?
Answer: Glorified.
Christ smiles and says:
Do you prefer to be glorified by the creature or the Creator?
Answer: by the Creator.
Christ: This is realized through Crucifixion.
Because each time you look at the creatures,
the eyes of the Creator move away from you.
My daughter, I want you to apply yourself to praying and to humble yourself.
He who humbles himself, God increases him in strength and in greatness.
I was crucified out of love for you, and I want you to carry and bear your cross for Me,
willingly, with love and patience, and (I want you) to await My arrival.
He who participates in My suffering, I shall make him participate in My glory.
And there is no salvation for the soul except through the Cross.
Do not fear, My daughter,
I shall give you from My wounds enough to repay the debts of the sinners.
This is the source from which every soul may drink.
And if My absence lasts, and the light disappears from you, do not fear, this will be for My glorification.
Go to the land where corruption has prevailed, and remain in God's peace

Last edit: 4 år 5 månader sedan by PsychoWard.
4 år 5 månader sedan #1206140 av Amandara
Svar från Amandara i ämnet Stigmata
Fy bubblan avgaser!
4 år 5 månader sedan #1206181 av Admin1
Svar från Admin1 i ämnet Stigmata
Såret du har på bröstet har nog naturliga orsaker. Tror inte det är något stigma sår.
4 år 5 månader sedan #1206294 av Cosmos
Svar från Cosmos i ämnet Stigmata
Tycker att PW mer inriktar sig på den onde än den gode. Kanske intressantare med ondska...

Jag glömmer inte videon till Madonnas låt Like a prayer där hon kysser en svart Jesus och får stigmata i handflatorna. Pepsi som skulle sponsra videon drog sig ur och det hela blev en dyr historia för de andra inklusive Madonna själv.