Att strö salt i såren?

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4 år 6 månader sedan #1189369 av PsychoWard
Att strö salt i såren? skapades av PsychoWard

Jeremia 30

11Ty jag är med dig, säger HERREN, till att frälsa dig. Ja, jag skall göra ände på alla de folk; bland vilka jag har förstrött dig; men på dig vill jag icke alldeles göra ände, jag vill blott tukta dig med måtta; ty alldeles ostraffad kan jag ju ej låta dig bliva.

12Ty så säger HERREN: Ohelbar är din skada, oläkligt det sår du har fått.

13Ingen tager sig an din sak, så att han sköter ditt sår; ingen helande läkedom finnes för dig.

14Alla dina älskare hava förgätit dig; de fråga icke efter dig. Ty såsom man slår en fiende, så har jag slagit dig, med grym tuktan, därför att din missgärning var så stor och dina synder så många.

15Huru kan du klaga över din skada, över att bot ej finnes för din plåga? Därför att din missgärning var så stor och dina synder så många, har jag gjort dig detta.

16Så skola då alla dina uppätare nu bliva uppätna, och alla dina ovänner skola allasammans gå i fångenskap; dina skövlare skola varda skövlade, och alla dina plundrare skall jag lämna till plundring.

Matteus 5:13 Svenska 1917 (SV1917)

^13 I ären jordens salt; men om saltet mister sin sälta, varmed skall man då giva det sälta igen? Till intet annat duger det än till att kastas ut och trampas ned av människorna.

Job 6:6 Svenska 1917 (SV1917)

^6 Men vem vill äta den mat som ej har smak eller sälta, och vem finner behag i slemörtens saft?

Lukas 14:33-35 Svenska 1917 (SV1917)

^33 Likaså kan ingen av eder vara min lärjunge, om han icke försakar allt vad han äger. --

^34 Så är väl saltet en god sak, men om till och med saltet mister sin sälta, varmed skall man då återställa dess kraft?

^35 Varken för jorden eller för gödselhögen är det tjänligt; man kastar ut det. Den som har öron till att höra, han höre.»

1 Mosebok 19:26 Svenska 1917 (SV1917)

^26 Och Lots hustru, som följde efter honom, såg sig tillbaka; då blev hon en saltstod.

Lukas 9:61-62 Svenska 1917 (SV1917)

^61 Åter en annan sade: »Jag vill följa dig, Herre, men tillstäd mig att först taga avsked av dem som höra till mitt hus.»

^62 Då svarade Jesus honom: »Ingen som ser sig tillbaka, sedan han har satt sin hand till plogen, är skickad för Guds rike.»
4 år 6 månader sedan #1189373 av Amandara
Svar från Amandara i ämnet Att strö salt i såren?
Sick. Står detta i Bibeln eller fabulerar du? Vad må gömma sig i ditt psyke?
4 år 6 månader sedan #1189377 av Geta
Svar från Geta i ämnet Att strö salt i såren?
Det är stor skillnad på vad zoidar postar. Han förvirrar inte utan har ett klart och redigt kristet budskap.
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så jävla trött på detta "religiösa" svamlet, stick till ett forum där folk bryr sig.
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4 år 6 månader sedan - 4 år 6 månader sedan #1189383 av PsychoWard
Svar från PsychoWard i ämnet Att strö salt i såren?
Jesus said: “The people with the mark of the beast, will cling to their false prophets, My children. They will cling to their false prophets, until they die, or the prophet dies. But they are clinging to the wrong master. My Spirit, has been withdrawn, from the words, that I had spoken, through, the True Visionaries, and True Prophets, of the past. But what most of the people, do not realize, is that all of the prophets, of these times – apart from My Testimony; apart from the Two Olive Branches; apart from the Two Lampstands – they are all eating wormwood. God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven, has done it before! – in the time of Jeremiah. And He is doing it again – out of His Justice. For out of the mouth, of the false prophets, comes words, of: deceit, false peace, false zeal, false enthusiasm, and ultimately the false holy spirit – and that, is the spirit that tells, the people, that, they are “good, holy and saved” – as long as they stick with their traditions; as long as they read, the Holy Scriptures – especially the King James Version; as long as they do, everything – except what I ask from them – then they’ll be saved! That is a lie, from the enemy of souls – who keeps all the Protestants, and Catholics, and so-called christians, paralyzed, with false signs, and wonders – false miracles, that only puff-up, the visionary, and the prophet. And these, visionaries, and prophets, certainly profit, from, the peoples’ willingness, to “buy their salvation”. Only, what people will realize, when they are before My Throne – is that most uncomfortable Truth – that they are apart from Me; and that I do not know them. Yes they did, all sorts of miracles, and performances, for the people, in My Name; and the people, listened, and were entertained. But! - they did not do, what I was asking of them – when I led them, to the Testimony, or when I spoke to them directly, in their interior lives, and they rejected, the Divine knowledge, in the moment. The people, who come, and read, My Testimony, all, are, having, their Great Warning Experience. Not what people, were expecting, in these End Times. And the false prophets, continue to puff themselves, and the people up – with spiritual pride. The antidote is, the Blessed Holy Water and Deliverance. Because I am telling the whole world, that all of the prophets, and visionaries, have been scourged with, false visions, false dreams, false prophecies; and they are almost certainly possessed! Not what the people want to hear; but, it is the Truth – as uncomfortable as it is, to hear… Of course, priests, ministers and rabbis are included in “the package” – it is a package deal. The message is really to all religious leaders, prophets, visionaries, and lay people. That should pretty much cover them all – with My Justice that is. Understand?... Let those who would slam the door, slam the door, shut! They will find out when they are dead, that they did not do very well: because they embraced the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah. How? Because they tolerated it. How else? Because they wanted, to kill Lot, and his family. And they want to kill the both of you – even if they hate you, and are angry at you – that’s the same as murder. You can take that! – Protestants. And know this – all of you, you cannot hide behind, the Sacred Scriptures, nor your own interpretation, of the Bible. You can’t hide – in your churches, in your synagogues, and in your mosques. Because, I see you! I see you all! - before My Throne – at, your Judgment! And where you are going, none of those things, will exist. There will be none! – to comfort you, or to console you. Because you all, need to be thrown, into the Sea! – unless you repent; unless you start clothing yourselves in sackcloth and in ashes, and in the Truth – then that is what you will all experience. I said it two thousand years ago, “Repent, or Perish!” – and I say it again, now.”

[March 26, 2015]



All she needed to do, to pull it off – to pull off one of the biggest deceptions, in history: was study Catholicism; study, what catholics expected to hear; and study, what the other false visionaries, were proclaiming; bounce her ideas, off, a few of them; gather intel, on that institution - and especially, the Vatican; and present a psychological operation, of Biblical proportions! Unfortunately My children, what the people don’t realize, is that they have been Plagued, with false prophets; and the people of this WICKED generation, are being Scourged by their deceptions; by their evil intentions; and by their desire to EXTORT money. Do the false prophets know they’re false prophets? Yes, they do - that’s why they got ‘into the business’. And yes, it is “a business”, for them. It is their yearly revenue. It is their lifestyle. It’s their bread and butter!

(-Jesus, March 31, 2015)
Last edit: 4 år 6 månader sedan by PsychoWard.