Food blogger reveals the shocking differences between U.S. and U.K. ingredients

  • PsychoWard
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4 år 7 månader sedan - 4 år 7 månader sedan #1187276 av PsychoWard

Food blogger reveals the shocking differences between U.S. and U.K. ingredients lists - accusing American brands of trying to 'poison consumers' with high numbers of additives and chemicals

A 'food activist' has called out the discrepancies in ingredient listings on the same packaged products when they are sold in the U.S. versus the U.K.

Vani Hari, who goes by the moniker The Food Babe online, showed the differences between common bodega goods like chips and soda and how they are formulated on each side of the Atlantic.

The author and campaigner, 38, shared her findings with her audience, who were horrified to see ingredients like the preservative BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and artificial colorings in products sold to American consumers while the British versions - and Australian and Canadian - come without.
Last edit: 4 år 7 månader sedan by PsychoWard.